Aquest estiu, campem pel territori!

Aquest estiu, campem pel territori!

Et presentem els camps de treball que tindran lloc a Catalunya i als països propers aquest estiu. No perdis l’oportunitat de participar en un projecte de voluntariat transformador!

El context actual segueix sent molt complex a causa de la Covid19. És per això que, tot i que hi ha centenars de projectes de voluntariat de curta durada a tot el món, aquest estiu us animem a campar pel territori! Participa en un camp de treball local, fes xarxa i transforma el teu entorn. Tot i que no hi ha una data límit d’inscripció als camps de treball, és a partir d’aquest moment que la base de dades de projectes comença a omplir-se d’oportunitats. No t’ho perdis, aquest estiu, #CampemPelTerritori!

Aquí fem un recull d’alguns dels projectes disponibles ara mateix, però per veure’ls tots pots consultar el CERCADOR DE CAMPS. Podreu utilitzar els filtres de dates, països i temàtiques.

*Si encara no saps què és un camp i com inscriure-t’hi pots llegir totes les condicions i passos a seguir per inscriure’t aquíNo en tens prou? Vine a una xerrada informativa sobre els camps de treball!

blankVALLS DE SIARB: Recuperació d’antics camins i descoberta de la vall de Siarb (1 – 14 de juliol) [COMPLET]

Descripció: El refugi de la Vall de Siarb albergarà aquest any un campament sobre conservació territorial. El grup de participants col·laborarà en la neteja i rehabilitació dels antics camins rurals de la vall, col·laborant així amb el projecte del Museu de la Carretera que s’està generant des de l’entitat. Els participants podran gaudir d’un entorn natural únic en aquesta vall de l’Alt Pirineu.

Tasques: Hi haurà tot tipus de tasques de recuperació i millora de camins antics: neteja de camins, reconstrucció de murs de pedra seca, col·locació de pedres i millora de la senyalització de senders amb pintura. Passarem totes les hores de treball (4 hores/dia) a la natura, envoltats de boscos, camps, etc. La feina és molt manual i física.

blankSANT MARTÍ SESGUEIOLES: Descobrint el passat a través de l’arqueologia (del 5 al 18 de juliol; o del 19 al 30 de juliol)

Descripció: L’ajuntament de Sant Martí Sesgueioles ha engegat aquest any el projecte arqueològic del municipi i té previst excavar al castell de Vilallonga. El seu objectiu primordial és el de recuperar la història del municipi i poder articular, juntament amb els projectes arqueològics propers, el relat històric de la zona.

Tasques: Principalment tasques d’excavació, dibuix i rentat de fragments. Pràcticament totes les feines són físiques tot i que n’hi ha de dibuix i altres. Les tasques a part dels treballs arqueològics seran les pròpies d’un camp.


blankHOSTALRIC: Recuperació de la memòria històrica a través de l’art (15 – 27 de juliol) [CANCEL·LAT]

Descripció: L’Associació pel Patrimoni Històric d’Hostalric fa anys que acull camps de treball de l’SCI. Anteriorment, les tasques consistien en el treball arqueològic i de restauració del Castell d’Hostalric. Enguany, però, les principals tasques giraran al voltant de la reconstrucció de l’entorn i la divulgació de la memòria històrica de la vila conjuntament amb la comunitat local.

Tasques: Les tasques estan relacionades amb temes de memòria històrica, artístiques i de recuperació de l’entorn.


blankCASTELLDANS: Recuperació de pous i producció de nous menjadors d’ocells i altres animals (12 – 26 de juliol)

Descripció: Amics de la Comanglora és una entitat que té per objectiu el respecte al medi ambient, tot donant a conèixer, cuidar i gaudir de l’espai natural de La Comanglora. Tota aquesta tasca es du a través de l’empoderament i participació d’infants i joves. Posem en pràctica els drets dels infants i intentem promoure la participació dels joves en el seu entorn més proper i en tot l’àmbit social. A la terra comunitària de la Comanglora organitzem campaments d’estiu i excursions de cap de

Tasques: Les tasques que es faran tenen com a objectiu millorar l’espai natural de Comanglora recuperant els camins i els pous i cuidant la fauna.

blankVALLS: Increïble sostenible a Can Pipirimosca (1 – 15 d’agost)

Descripció: Can Pipirimosca és una granja ecològica on viure d’una manera més senzilla i sostenible forma part de l’activisme per la cura del medi ambient. El projecte se centra, avui en dia, en donar suport a activitats en pobles (ciutat de transició, horts urbans, lliure mercat) en el marc de l’activisme mediambiental. Can Pipi és un lloc basat en principis de permacultura on els retirs d’ecologia profunda tenen lloc per conscienciar.

Tasques:Les tasques que es faran seran per consolidar recursos i espais a Can Pipirimosca i per donar suport a les activitats a l’hort urbà. Aquestes es duran a terme a Can Pipirimosca i a diferents finques ecològiques. Poden ser tasques a l’hort, de reciclatge de materials o d’habilitació d’espais, incloent-hi també una visita i explicació del projecte. Els treballs previs per les activitats de l’hort, si les mesures ho permeten, seran: construcció d’elements que es facin servir, preparació de l’espai de l’hort, elaboració de cartells, preparar tallers, etc. Si la situació ho permet, es participarà d’una fira. És per això, que durant l’esdeveniment caldrà: muntatge, fer els tallers, donar suport a a les activitats, cuina de la fira, intendència, cuidar, vigilar, explicar, difondre i ajudar al tancament del dia. I, un cop acabin: avaluació, desmuntatge i altres tasques de per recondicionar l’espai.

blankBARCELONA: Fira d’Economia Solidària de Catalunya (19 – 26 d’octubre)

Descripció: La Fira d’Economia Solidària de Catalunya és el moment de l’any en què s’agrupen totes les entitats de l’àmbit en un mateix espai i tenen lloc debats sobre el paper d’una altra economia en l’àmbit de Catalunya. A la vegada, suposa una càrrega extra de feina. Aquest és una oportunitat per un bon intercanvi entre persones interessades en el moviment de les economies alternatives i que puguin donar un cop de mà en el muntatge i sosteniment de la X FESC.

Tasques: Les tasques de les voluntàries consistiran a donar suport a la logística de la Fira d’Economia Solidària de Catalunya. Per exemple: la preparació del material, el muntatge de l’espai, la distribució de materials i el desmuntatge de la Fira, entre d’altres.


blankITALY: Sustainable lifestyle and permaculture at Fattoria Fortebraccio (4 – 14 July 2021)

Description: The Fortebraccio Farm is an agricultural project that links organically-run fruit and vegetable production to the development of social and work integration activities with training and rehabilitation courses, and educational and cultural initiatives. An educational farm and a open meeting space, in the nature, connected to the world. The project is based on the involvement of local communities and citizens and embraces innovative production and marketing systems.

Type of work: The objectives of the camp are to try to achieve self-sufficiency by preparing bread and pasta and products processed by us (volunteers and us residents), as well as juices, biscuits, pies, yogurt and cheeses. Agricultural work on the rows: preparation of rows, weeding, collection of wild herbs to be transformed or sold; preparation of preserves, jams, compotes with garden products, tomato purée. Organization of an evening of pizza cooked in a wood oven with naturally leavened dough open to the local community with music.

blankFRANCE: Restoration of the old ” Fort de Jouy” (10 – 25 July 2021)

Description: The “Fort de Jouy-sous-les-Côtes” is a former military castle built in 1885 in Géville, a village located in Lorraine. The association “Amis du Fort de Jouy” has dedicated many years in preserving and restoring this historic monument. Giving a fresh start to a place full of history as this place is really exciting. Please notice that the camp is an European Solidarity Corps, who will financed travel cost and activities to.

Type of work: Volunteers will be working on restoring this castle with local volunteers. the tasks will be diverse such as masonry, painting and maintenance work. The tasks can be physical sometimes and therefore, volunteers have to be ready to work!

blankBELGIUM: Discovering a vegetable garden in Brussels (12 – 30 July 2021)

Description: “Vert d’Iris International” is a young cooperative from Brussels, active in the field of urban agriculture and sustainable food, created 8 years ago. They are managing two vegetable gardens in Neerpede (one of the last agriculture areas in Brussels). Many trainees/apprentices are currently engaged in the organization, thanks to the social entrepreneurship program in the domain of sustainable food.

Type of work: Volunteers will participate in the regular activity of gardening, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the maintenance, cultivation and harvesting of fruits, edible flowers and seasonal vegetables in one of the production sites located in Neerpede/Brussels.

blankSWITZERLAND: Chestnut forest & alpine agriculture (18 – 31 July 2021)

Description: The project “Alma” is situated in Alto Malcantone, a Southern Swiss Alps Municipality with 5 small villages in which 1400 people live all year long. The farm works mainly with Scottish highland cows. This project shows how, by taking care of the forest following the traditional methods, biodiversity can be supported. By cleaning the undergrowth from more invasive plants, it is possible to allow other types of plants to grow.

Type of work: Collect wood and stones, clean the chestnut forest and the pasturages, cutting grass using machines on sometimes steep slopes and cutting the branches and bushes with garden scissors, ameliorate paths and fix broken fences and preparing and putting the fences for the cattle in the mountains. Specific work tasks depend on the weather and other circumstances. In the beginning of each day, you’ll receive more details about what needs to be done exactly.

blankSWITZERLAND: Natural Environment Music Festival (21 – 28 July 2021)

The Old Mill Mini Music Festival is an alternative music-festival with up to 500 visitors. Its character is strictly non-commercial. There are no tickets (pay how much you like at the entrance), no rubbish bins (people collect their own rubbish themselves) and no fences or security-guys. This festival aims to show people new concepts of how to organize a music festival. We try to be environmentally friendly and have a good vibe on the site. There will be 1 indoor stage with music and a bar. The site is located in a nice Swiss rural area on the lands of an old farmhouse next to the river Emme.

Type of work: Before the festival: physical work like building the infrastructure for the festival: bar, signs, toilets, tents as well as decoration of the festival site. During the festival: managing the parking lot, preparing food at food-stalls (meat), working at the bar, managing rubbish and toilets. After the festival: taking down the infrastructure (heavy physical work again). Further there will be quite some work in the organic garden.

blankPORTUGAL: Arqueoroma – Art, culture and local history (02 – 13 August 2021)

Description: The objective of this program is to give continuity to an archeological research project and the desire to turn the archeological place into a museum that has been developed since 1980

Type of work: Maintenance and restoration aiming at turning the archeological place into a museum; Methodological digging, with an archaeologist help; Soil riddling and floating aiming at collecting different elements (coals, seeds, bones …) for analysis;
Materials washing and labeling. During the camp volunteers will work no longer than 6h/day. In spare time volunteers will visit belvederes, castles, historical villages (Marialva), Vale do Côa engraving and Douro Wine Region (UNESCO Patrimonies).

blankSWITZERLAND: Gipsgrueb Community – Environment protection (29 August – 11 September 2021)

The cooperative “Gipsgrueb” is situated outside of the village of Ehrendingen, in a small calm valley at the foot of the last mountain of the Jura-range. The over-100-years-old buildings of a former cement factory were left unattended for many years. Since the taking-over by the cooperative “Gipsgrueb“ in 1982 a garden and a farm were built up on the agricultural land. Since the beginning both of them have been running on the guidelines of organic farming. The total area occupied by the cooperative was about 14 ha consisting mainly of extensive pastures and meadows, woods and ponds. A few years ago most of the land was sold to Pro Natura, the Swiss nature conservation society. Today, the farm is run by a local tenant and the garden mainly serves the personal needs of the community members.

Type of work: You will work 2 x 5 days helping the cooperative in the organic garden, maintaining an old stonewall and maintaining shrubs as well as hedges. Working with pruning shears, shovels, pickaxes, rakes. Harvesting plums and blackberries, if there are any.

blankPORTUGAL: Regenerating Ecosystems – Sustainable lifestyle (4 – 15 September 2021)

Description: Be part of the solution and help us take action to regenerate our ecosystems – Together, for the benefit of people and nature, we will be regenerating different local landscapes (Farmland, Freshwater areas and Forests) as a way of protecting and reviving our ecosystems. In the year that launches the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restauration, join us in this global mission to improve people’s wellbeing, to help counteract climate change, and to help bring back more biodiversity.

Type of work: Ecosystem Restoration Tasks: plants for the restoration of forest, agricultural and freshwater ecosystems; Improving agricultural production spaces that are in transition to organic farming; implementing reforestation; Improving and restoring an educational space with the creation of a wild life observation area. Awareness and training tasks: Creating media awareness material for ecosystem restoration; Creating and presenting awareness raising dynamics at Vivó Mercado (Market of local producers); Participating in collaborative exploration actions on key concepts on eco-social regeneration and ecosystem restoration, as well as sessions on the importance of the United Nations decade for the restoration of ecosystems.

blankBELGIUM: Re-use and re-create with socially engaged Artists in Brussels! (6 – 21 September 2021)

Description: “Gilbard” Association is composed by a collective of artists who created a place where they store used materials in order to give them a new life in form of artwork and furniture but also to exchange them with the local population though a “points” system. It is located in Anderlecht/Brussels since 2018. The association collects, reconditions and exchanges creation/construction material (wood, metal, tissue, paint, …) to create and to support cultural and artistic projects in the Brussels region. They are also a local meeting point in a working-class neighborhood ( workshops, unformal trainings and local events).

Type of work: During the “car-free day” in Brussels on 19th September, “Gilbard” will be organizing an event to open its new space located in Rue de Liverpool, 77 in Anderlecht/Brussels. The project consists in preparing this event according to the wishes of the volunteers and the needs of the day (preparations, reception of the public, meals, performances, animations, scenography).

blankPORTUGAL: Another World is Possible – Sustainable lifestyle (19 – 30 September 2021)

Description: Aims: to raise awareness among the participants and the population on organic farms, organic food and fair trade; to develop skills related to agriculture work in organic farms and environment preservation; to run activities in order to increase the level of commitment at local level (Amarante) for organic and Fair Trade products

Type of work: Agricultural/Manual. Activities: working in organic farms from the region of Amarante; training on fair trade and sustainable development (ex.: workshop about Fair Trade and healthy food); presentation to the city and region; group dynamics; visit to the most important places of the city; visits to some of the main cities and spots in the North of Portugal (Guimarães, Porto, Alto Douro Vinhateiro and Parque Natural do Alvão).

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