Sant Sadurní d'Anoia - Capital del Cava Ajuntament de Sant Sadurní d'Anoia
Family visit and chocolate Easter egg workshop at CIC Fassina
The phylloxera Easter egg has disappeared! Come to discover what happened and help us find the lost egg
Mona desapareguda
Site: CIC Fassina Cava Interpretation Centre
Length: 1.30h
Organitza: CIC Fassina Cava Interpretation Centre
Type of event: Familiar

In the old Fassina de Can Guineu distillery we are going through strange things... We do not know if it is the spirit of Pere Mir i Porta that appears around the cellar at Easter nights or one of the little phylloxeras is playing mischief again...

We need ingenuity to find the hidden clues and solve the mystery of the Easter egg. Do you join us?

Chocolate easter eggs workshop included, courtesy of Simón Coll Xocolaters

Visit for families with children from 2 to 10 years old

More information, schedules and reservations: tel. +34 938 913 188, c / e.